Sino-German Magic Arts & Crafts Glass Co.,Ltd-Professional Manufactory of Glass Bongs, Glass Pipes.
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After nearly one year's intensive work b y the construction workers, first-stage construction of Sino-German Magic Arts and Crafts Glass Co., Ltd. accomplished as scheduled and passed the experts' acceptance of quality. The leaders of Hengshui town, the district, and the development area took part in the completion celebration of the project, delivered a speech for celebrating and cut the ribbon. Xinyi Lee, the general manager of Sino-German Magic Arts and Crafts Glass Co., Ltd expressed warm welcome to the arrival of all the leaders and the friends. In the course of the corporation's construction, the leaders of the town, the district came to coordinate and solve issues many times, which gave a boost to the rapid development of the project inviting investments from overseas. Xinyi Lee, the general manager shew gratitude for that.

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